posts tagged
"Native Instruments"

2 Years In: What Will It Take For Stems To Go Mainstream?
2 Years In: What Will It Take For Stems To Go Mainstream?

2 Years In: What Will It Take For Stems To Go Mainstream? By Robert Capelluto It has been two years since Native Instruments announced their open multi-track audio format: Stem.mp4. Since that time, the format has shown steady but slow growth and adoption. So what needs to happen to take Stems to the next level? Keep […]

DJ Stems Now Available
DJ Stems Now Available

Back in March, Native Instruments — the company behind the ubiquitous Traktor DJ software — announced Stems: a music format that lets DJs and remixers to control individual parts of a track. Today Stems launches to the buying public on a number of popular music stores including Soundtrack Loops have them listed already and, […]